How Better Body Language Can Improve Your Presentation
Delivery Nancy Hardcastle Delivery Nancy Hardcastle

How Better Body Language Can Improve Your Presentation

I was fascinated when I found this study about the importance of body language for public speakers and what a difference it can make in your presentation. Today I’m going to provide a quick summary of what the research showed, and then I’m going to give you some takeaways that you’ll want to keep in mind when delivering your next speech.

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The “Secret” Structure of Great Speeches
Organize Nancy Hardcastle Organize Nancy Hardcastle

The “Secret” Structure of Great Speeches

Today I’ll be breaking down Nancy Duarte’s well-known TED talk about the structure behind some of the best known speeches in modern times. I’ll start by summarizing Duarte’s talk and then highlighting the take aways you won't want to miss.

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Top 10 Reasons You Need a Speaker Coach
Delivery Nancy Hardcastle Delivery Nancy Hardcastle

Top 10 Reasons You Need a Speaker Coach

You have passion, you have expertise and you have experience - why would you hire a speech coach? I’ve got ten wonderful reasons for you, but they all boil down to this - if you hope to be the kind of speaker that makes your audience want to cry and cheer and congratulate you all at the same time, you can! It’s just going to be nearly impossible to do it by yourself.

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Captivate & Engage Your Audience with Transparency
Engage & Inspire Nancy Hardcastle Engage & Inspire Nancy Hardcastle

Captivate & Engage Your Audience with Transparency

Giving a presentation is like pulling up to a stranger in your car and yelling, “Hey, let’s go for a drive!“ As a public speaker, you are the driver, and you’ve only got about thirty seconds to persuade this stranger, a.k.a. your audience, that the journey you are proposing will be worth their attention.  What can you do that screams to your audience “good times ahead!” You can be transparent.

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3 Necessary Ingredients of a Powerful Story
Storytelling Nancy Hardcastle Storytelling Nancy Hardcastle

3 Necessary Ingredients of a Powerful Story

Increase the impact of your story by including these elements. We’ll be looking at one of the best analyses of storytelling that I’ve seen recently - this TED Talk by David JP Phillips. Below, I briefly summarize his main points and then offer my own insights and take-aways

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